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I'm very curious to hear how all of you are doing, if you have time - reply to this email and let me know!

I am using this time to read books that I have wanted to read for a long long time!  I spend a lot of time alone and this is not a huge change for me.  I love having the time to feed myself good food, study, and connect with people online - all of which is still happening!

One of my biggest joys in life is cutting through the crap - and having meaningful connections.   That's the reason I do this work -  to see and embrace a person at their core and along the process be with them at their worst, is the greatest honor and best job in the world. 

I saw an advertisement a few days ago - he started his spiel by sharing a story of

"being busted in on, from the Feds" 

I got a insight into how we humans try to force connection.  The way he was telling this story, he was trying to grab the viewers attention.  What I noticed was -  how when we reach out - it feels funky.  I'm finding the same thing with some of my time on the internet lately - gosh there is so much stuff online!  free email, free courses - sign up for this - It's gonna make your life ... better.

I've bought this before, and it left me empty inside -- Then I remember ... go back, go inside, I tune in and follow what I feel inside.  When I listen too much to the 'outside' I get distracted, scattered and lost.  I become unproductive and end up wasting quite a bit of time.  

I am pre-announcing a free online weekend meditation workshop on May 8, 9 & 10.  It's not on the website yet, if you are interested reply to this email.  There will be a maximum of 10 people in the group.

Take a look at the offers below and remember, go inside, listen, then act from there.

With Love, 



Vanessa Cushenbery